Dare to Dream, Make a Meal: Toblerone Mousse!

It was Jacques Houdek who once said, ‘Dare to dream, make a meal’ – ok yes, that wasn’t quite the lyric, but with this year’s slogan ‘Dare to Dream’ why not make a few adaptations! With this year’s contest quickly approaching, it’s time to start planning your Eurovision parties. With the help of Eurovision Union, you can plan out the ultimate Eurovision party for you and your friends!

Over the last month, we’ve gathered some of the tastiest and most intriguing dishes from across the participating nations and we have put our aprons on to test out these recipes! We selected a diverse range of food, as well as both savoury and sweet dishes, so if you are hosting a Eurovision party this year, you can take inspiration from our cooking adventures across Europe and recreate these dishes for you and your friends!

Toblerone Mousse (Switzerland)

When you think of Switzerland and food, you think of chocolate, so today’s recipe is inspired by one of the most iconic Swiss chocolate bars, Toblerone. The triangular shape of the chocolate is said to be inspired by the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps, and although the company that now produces Toblerone is American, the Swiss tradition lives on.

Now onto the recipe. We chose Toblerone mousse, and I can confidently say that this is one of the easiest, but tastiest desserts in our Dare to Dream, Make a Meal series. The mousse is airy but still quite sweet, so mixed with some strawberries and raspberries makes for a good combination. The other great thing is that this recipe literally has four ingredients. FOUR!!!!

Here is the recipe we used (credit: Best Recipes):

Prep time: 15 mins

Cook time: 2hr 15 mins

Serves: 4


  • 4 egg whites
  • 600ml cream
  • 2 x 100g Toblerone chocolate bars
  • 1 Flake chocolate bar (grated chocolate would also work)


  • Beat egg whites until they are hard peaks
  • Whip the cream and separate into different bowls, one is to have a bit more than the other
  • Gently fold egg whites into the larger amount of cream, until all mixed through
  • Melt the Toblerone bars, and fold into the same bowl as the combined egg whites, make sure all the chocolate is mixed through
  • Pour the combined chocolate, cream and egg whites into your serving bowl. Layer the remaining cream on top
  • Break up the flake and sprinkle over for decoration
  • Refrigerate until set

Here is what we started with:

And here is our finished product!

Beer List

Our resident beer expert has done research (and a whole lot of tasting) to come up with some of the must-try beers of the nation. For each nation there are three suggestions:

  • The National Treasure – this is a beer that is recognisable and accessible to buy
  • The Party Starter – this is a nicer alternative, but still fairly accessible to buy
  • The Show Stopper – this is for the beer enthusiasts or those with a sense of adventure, but may not be as easy to purchase outside of that nation


The National Treasure – Feldsclösschen Original (Pale Lager – 4.8%)

The Party Starter – Trois Dames la Tentation (Saison – 6.8%)

The Show Stopper – BFM Degustator – La Jeandy (Sour Red/Brown – 7.3%)

Listen to our Dare to Dream, Make a Meal playlist below: